You ask why.
Because you asked, the truth I answered
Because you attacked, my pegs I fenced
Because you shot, my stance had stuttered
Because you shouted, my voice I swallowed
Because you dominated, my teeth I clenched
If only you have not asked, “What’s wrong?”
And if only I thought harder and told a pacifier
There would have been no ‘singing the song’
There would have been no misunderstandings
And you would not have started a quiver
The truth, the convention or what you wanted to hear
You should have told me what you wanted me to say
I’d be hurt with the former and guilty with the latter
But what of it? I know I would have saved arguments
In this life you interfere, it is not you who makes the pay
If only I have chosen to fly down south
And if only I have kept silent with the ding-dong
There would have been nothing to talk about
You never understood how simple the language I use
And you would not have asked, “What’s wrong?”
Because you fired, I let you be the law
Because you lost temper, with mouth zipped I grieved
Because of the experiences, the future I foresaw
I compromised my guilt and interest with my choice of answer
Because you asked, your choice of answer I give.
You ask why?
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